
Monday, August 08, 2005

More photos from the Decatur Celebration

More photos from the Decatur Celebration 2005

Village People, Black Diamond, Cledus T. Judd and Jars of Clay.


My trip to Decatur

I went to Decatur last night.

Saw a soldier there and thought about thanking him for serving our country, but he seemed busy so I didn't talk with him.

Saw a police officer and considered asking him a question, but he was also working, so I didn't get to chat with him either.

Saw a laborer and wanted to tell him what a great job his crew was doing. Did you see the crowd they had to serve there?

Am wondering if Chief Illiniwek is seeking a job as an umpire or catcher???

Asked the Cowboy how the Cubs were doing....BIG MISTAKE THERE!

I guess I'll just roam around and see a concert or two.

Hey, I didn't know that Neil Diamond was black ...did you?

More photos here