
Il State Fair Dairy Building photos - butter cow, etc.

Il State Fair 
Dairy Building photos  
Butter cow..I mean Butter Lincoln, etc.
I hear the cream puffs from the Dairy Building are amazing.

Il State Fair Farmers Market store photos

Il State Fair Farmers Market store photos
This is a store at the Illinois State Fair.
Not to be confused with the Thursday night Farmer's Market at the Illinois State Fairgrounds.

Ethnic Village Food Photos

Ethnic Village Food Menus 2009

Ethnic Village Food Photos

Ethnic Village Food Photos

We bought from the Venezuelan food booth at Ethnic Village.

I figured if the food was good enough for Carlos Zambrano, it was good enough for us.

I heard others raving about the plantains the next day at church.

I plan on returning for more Venezuelan food.

Venezuelan plaintains (above) raw plaintains (below)

Above: The Venezualan combination plate 
Below: A little girl enjoying a turkey leg.

Ethnic Village Food Menus 2009

Ethnic Village Food Menus 2009
Let's face it - most of us don't know what everything is on the menus at Ethnic Village at the Illinois State Fair.  The longest lines there tend to be for ethnic food items that Americans tend to be familiar with.
One lady told me that my Venezuelan plate looked too adventurous for her tastes.
To me, it tasted like food from Olive Garden.  Go figure.
Below are photos of the menus at the various food stands at Ethnic Village.
This should give future attendees an idea of what they'll find there and around what it'll cost.
 Menus and prices probably change a bit each year...but this is at least a clue...
You can click on a photo for a larger view. 

The official Il State Fair page for Ethnic Village
includes descriptions of various menu items here.

 Also see:
Everything you need to know about the 2009 Illinois State Fair 
Illinois State Fair Parade 2005 photos