
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Smoker's lungs

My family attended the Memorial Heart and Vascular Institute's Third Annual Heart and Vascular Fair at White Oaks Mall. I recommend attending these events every chance you get.
This one offered free screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat and weight analysis and vascular health.
Informational booth covered topics such as exercise, nutrition, smoking cessation and risk factors analysis.

The above photos are from their smoking cessation information booth.

The first photo is of a smoker's lungs.

You can click on a photo for a larger view.

Watch this webpage for updates on future events.

The next Heart and Vascular Fair at White Oaks Mall is scheduled for
Saturday, February 16, 2008.

Dr. Mehmet Oz recently visited the Oprah show to discuss the topic of how to quit smoking or as he calls it "breathe free".
Click here to see what Dr. Oz recommended on that program.

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