
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Amtrak station needs to be plowed too

Just a note to point out the the Amtrak station needs to be plowed too.

This shouldn't be the first thing travelers have to deal with as they arrive in our fine city.

Can you imagine the cab bill if your cab gets stuck in this? Ouch!

You've got to pity the poor traveler who parked here. Some of those cars were really buried in.

Amtrak to convert phone centers to interactive speech recognition

Has anyone here tried calling 1-800-USA-Rail ?

For some reason, it cannot understand "Springfield, Illinois" as an answer.

After several attempts, it finally asked "Did you mean "Lincoln, Illinois?".

Close enough, I can do the time math... Yes!

Old Capitol Plaza

Old Capitol Plaza

Any word on where the Holy Land Diner is moving to?

I really miss their food! I know others do too.

Related article:

Downtown vacancies filling up
Casual eatery, upscale bar set for Old Capitol Plaza; Osco space still empty

Published Friday, February 02, 2007

A casual-style restaurant, a commercial banking office and an upscale martini bar should fill in some of the vacancies on and near the Old Capitol Plaza by early spring.

Related links:

The Old State Capitol

Wendy's Chicken Chainsaw Toddy

Wendy's Chicken Chainsaw Toddy

For those of you not aware of this, several of Springfield's Wendy's restaurants have closed, including this one on Jefferson.

How many people do YOU KNOW (include yourself) have pulled into their drive-thru wanting to order a 99 cent Chicken Chainsaw Toddy?

You haven't?
Could that be because you've wasted time at a closed Taco Bell or Burger King drive thru here in town in past years?

Rumor has it that someone has been changing the message on the Wendy's signs on all the closed stores. I don't think he's responsible for closing the local Taco Bell at noon though.

Related links...

Smoker's lungs

My family attended the Memorial Heart and Vascular Institute's Third Annual Heart and Vascular Fair at White Oaks Mall. I recommend attending these events every chance you get.
This one offered free screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, body fat and weight analysis and vascular health.
Informational booth covered topics such as exercise, nutrition, smoking cessation and risk factors analysis.

The above photos are from their smoking cessation information booth.

The first photo is of a smoker's lungs.

You can click on a photo for a larger view.

Watch this webpage for updates on future events.

The next Heart and Vascular Fair at White Oaks Mall is scheduled for
Saturday, February 16, 2008.

Dr. Mehmet Oz recently visited the Oprah show to discuss the topic of how to quit smoking or as he calls it "breathe free".
Click here to see what Dr. Oz recommended on that program.

More Springfield Photos!

Name that restaurant...part 26

Road Trip: dining at the Ikea store...part 1

Name that restaurant...part 25

Name that restaurant...part 24

Name that restaurant...part 23

Name that restaurant...part 22

Name that restaurant...part 21

Springfield, IL Ice Storm

The Veggie Burger at Memorial's Cafeteria

Edwin Watts Southwind Park Update Nov 8, 2007

CWLP Power Plant Construction Tour

Lake Springfield Improvements

More I-72 Recreation Drive interchange construction

Pound Dog Rescue Benefit

Open Dome in Riverton, IL

Humphrey's Pizzeria is now open!

What kind of bird is this? (From Lake Springfield)

Wood sculptures on Dirksen Parkway

APL Animal Protective League / Butterflies

Cross country bicyclist pedals to Springfield

Chasing Rainbows / Lake Springfield sunset

Old Capitol Art Fair 2007 photos

Another alternative energy car !

Sushi Beautiful Sushi

That electric car at Washington Park

The dog water fountains at Washington Park

The Apple Barn is OPEN !!!!

Smoker's lungs

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

The Cub's Ryan O'Malley and Ron Santo visit

The Pizza Machine

Ryan O'Malley with the Chicago Cubs

Gulls Gulls Gulls

Former Cardinal and Cubs pitcher Lee Smith

Ryan O'Malley and the Chicago Cubs

Chatham's cow chip throwing contest 2006

2005 Illinois State Fair photos

Powerlight Fest photos

More Illinois State Fair photos

My first Illinois State Fair Parade (see photos!)

More photos from the Decatur Celebration

My trip to Decatur

April 19, 2005 - President Bush visits Springfield

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum celebration

Springfield, Illinois email list

Go ahead, click on an Amazon ad above.

Lindsey Bridge

Don'tcha hate driving over the Lindsey Bridge and having your view of the lake blocked?

(I know, you folks with big SUV's have no idea what I'm writing about.)

Anyway, here is a photo of what you're missing!

Click on the image for a larger view.

The Lindsey Dock parking lot is a popular place after a big snow.

Want to know if your anti-lock brakes, traction control, etc. is working?

This might be a place to check it.

Just be sure to wait your turn.

46 degrees and folks are in t-shirts and shorts

46 degrees out and folks are in t-shirts and shorts at Washington Park.

Wow, these cyclists can really zoom!

Some might wonder if Washington Park needs two speed limits
(like the highways do for tracks and cars) ?
Perhaps one limit for cars and one for bicycles?
Bicycles can't stop as quickly as a car can to avoid a collision.
Just a thought...

Stuart Park Dog Park still not plowed

Stuart Park Dog Park still not plowed

February 20, 2007

I guess we'll just have to wait 'til it melts.

Handy links of the day...

Springfield Park District

Springfield Illinois Dogpark email list

More pictures from the Springfield dog park

Map to Stuart Park