
Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Cub's Ryan O'Malley and Ron Santo visit.

Ron Santo shakes hands with a fan after the SIU Men's night out on October 12, 2006. He stayed longer than expected to meet with fans, sign autographs and pose for photos.

What a wonderful surprise! Cubs pitcher (and local resident!)
Ryan O'Malley was at the event.

I asked him if he'd found this website yet (he hadn't) so I told him how to find it -
just run a search on "Springfield photos + your name".

I did ask him how he was doing. Ryan said his arm was fine and was looking forward to the upcoming season.

I was so happy to meet him, that I forgot to ask him if he ever participated in this local event. After all, he is a pitcher.

More about Ryan here and also here. page regarding Ryan's August 16, 2006 game.

(Click on any photo for a larger view of the image.)

Chicago Cubs fans showed me their Santo related memorabilia that they hoped to get autographed or had already gotton autographed.

Let's all hope that the Chicago Cubs Caravan travels to Springfield, IL during the offseason.

What can we do to encourage this to happen?

Were you at this event?
Use the Post a Comment option at the bottom of the page and share your stories from the
Men's Night Out event with Ron Santo.

Scroll down for links to newspaper articles regarding this event.

Coming up!

SIU Men’s Night Out,” featuring Lou Brock, former St. Louis Cardinals left fielder and member of the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame, begins at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008 at Springfield High School, 101 S. Lewis St.

The Prostate Center of the Simmons-Cooper Cancer Institute at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine is presenting the program as part of Prostate Cancer Awareness Week.... SJ-R article
Event links at:

Articles from the SJR have since aged away,
but you can check with the Lincoln Library to find these to read if you wish.

Santo: 'You have to have' positivity

Men's night out - 10 ways to stay healthy

Nothing hurts Santo more than 66-96 Cubs

Santo: O’Malley deserves success

Ron Santo google news search

'Glad they caught it early'
Prostate cancer victim thankful for Men's Night Out

Ron Santo is featured on an episode of D-Life on CNBC.
Click on the link below to read the transcript.
(Scroll down to page 21)

Highlights: Tips for safe and fun travel with diabetes educator Joy Pape; on the field with baseball legend Ron Santo; and a look at the dLife of twin teens who share type 1 diabetes.

List of sports stars with diabetes

Santo and associates lead efforts to neutralize diabetes

Ron Santo's mission is simple: He wants diabetes patients to benefit from technology that wasn't available when he played third base for the Cubs. Actually, that's just the short-term goal.

''When we first started raising money for diabetes research, they said there would never be a cure,'' he said. ''I do believe now there will be one.'',CST-SPT-drive17.article

PS: If I photographed you at this event and you don't see the photo here,
feel free to email me and request a photo.

More Springfield photos linked below.

Aladdin's Castle
Kicks Entertainment

North Dirksen Parkway weather photo

The SwimSpa display at the convention center

Chipotles (new burrito place outside White Oaks Mall)

Noodles and Co near White Oaks Mall

Bees ! (okay, really just one bee photographed...)

Meet the Japanese Beetles

Erin’s Pavilion Groundbreaking Event at Edwin Watts Southwind Park

Road construction in front of Lincoln Library (photos)

Rock the Dock and New restaurant at Lake Springfield

Fireworks at the Lincoln Museum

Fireworks at the Lincoln Library opening day

Photos from the Downtown Fireworks 2007

Illinois Products Expo 2008 Photos
Gateway to India Restaurant Lunch Buffet
Buckley's Garden Center
Thailand Cuisine
Habitat for Humanity Re-Store
S Sixth Street tree damages/totals truck in storm
Wild Goose Chase at Washington Park and one happy duck
Too Many Geese Photos
Oberweis Ice Cream now at Schnucks
Congradulations Graduates!
The Bee Movie at Rochester Park

Farmers Market plants store on Wabash near K's part 1
Farmers Market plants store on Wabash near K's part 2

Flower and garden shopping at Lowes
The Apple Barn in Chatham is now OPEN!
Suttill's Gardens
Uncle Chuck's Greenhouse
Humphrey's Market - the flowers are in !!!
APL Animal Protective League / Butterflies

Old Capitol Art Fair 2008 photos
The Livery
Name that restaurant...part 28

Senate vs House softball game 2008 Part 1 of 4
Senate vs House softball game 2008 Part 2
Senate vs House softball game 2008 Part 3
Senate vs House softball game 2008 Part 4

Nelson Center Pool
Weekend wheels as seen in Springfield
APL Upscale resale event photos 2008
First snake of the year...and more deer
Name that restaurant...part 27
Weekend Birds...can you name this bird?

Weekend wildlife photos, etc.
Bike trail and I-72 Recreation Drive interchange construction
Bye Bye Hazel Dell, Hello Walmart
Tea Thyme Tea Room
El Presidente Burritos and Baja Grill
Centrum Cafe on Toronto Road
Lake Pointe Grill

Weekend photos - April 2008
The Heritage House you see it......
Photos from a drive down S. Sixth Street
Lake Springfield Deer
Vito’s Italian Pizzera, Chatham, IL
Which one of these is not like the others ?
A drive around Lake Springfield (photos)
Red Hat Society Ladies

Ginger Asian Bistro
Blueberry waffled eggs, Naked Fruit Drinks, Dr. Oz
Photos of the upcoming Walmart at S. 6th and Hazel Dell
Fried Sushi

Name that restaurant...part 26
Road Trip: dining at the Ikea store...part 1

Name that restaurant...part 25
Name that restaurant...part 24
Name that restaurant...part 23
Name that restaurant...part 22
Name that restaurant...part 21

Springfield, IL Ice Storm
The Veggie Burger at Memorial's Cafeteria
Edwin Watts Southwind Park Update Nov 8, 2007
CWLP Power Plant Construction Tour
Lake Springfield Improvements
More I-72 Recreation Drive interchange construction

Pound Dog Rescue Benefit
Open Dome in Riverton, IL
Humphrey's Pizzeria is now open!
What kind of bird is this? (From Lake Springfield)

Springfield and the Simpsons
When the Rain comes down..downtown
Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce Party Photos
Goodwill organized by clothing size!
Wood sculptures on Dirksen Parkway
APL Animal Protective League / Butterflies
Cross country bicyclist pedals to Springfield and beyond

Friends of Lincoln Library Book sale / TV 20 news
Lincoln Library ready for book sale
Wood docks at Lake Springfield Marina
Chasing Rainbows / Lake Springfield sunset
I-72 Recreation Drive interchange construction
East Lake Drive bicycle and walking path

Leo's Italian Pizzeria

Old Capitol Art Fair 2007 photos
Uncle Chuck's Greenhouse
Edwin Watts Southwind Park Update May 20, 2007

Fire at former Branch Facility on Recreation Drive...
Westbound I-72 traffic / construction zone
Another alternative energy car !
Name that Springfield location...part 2
Suttill's Gardens
Habitat for Humanity store

Name that farm equipment
Monical's Pizza near Meijers
Sugar Angel
Baskin Robbins 31 cent scoop night!
Future home of the Holy Land Diner ?
2003 Cingular High Dive Show at Illinois State Fair...
Humphrey's Market - the flowers are in !!!

Sushi Beautiful Sushi
The dog water fountains at Washington Park
Springfield Clinic Building Project tree removal
The Apple Barn is OPEN !!!!
Lincoln Library renovations
Cute puppies
Name that restaurant...part 15
Pizza Machine

Scenes from various local parks this weekend...
Greater Springfield Home and Builders Show
Super Home Expo Building and Remodeling show photo...
llinois Products Expo photos
As the deer...
Old Capitol Plaza
Wendy's Chicken Chainsaw Toddy

Smoker's lungs
Lincoln Land catcher signed by Seattle Mariners
The Cub's Ryan O'Malley and Ron Santo visit
Ryan O'Malley with the Chicago Cubs
Former Cardinal and Cubs pitcher Lee Smith
Chatham's cow chip throwing contest 2006
Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library

Dinner at Little Saigon
Springfield Dog Park
EMI Manufacturing Jacksonville Illinois
Illinois State Fair photos
Powerlight Fest photos
My first Illinois State Fair Parade (see photos!)
My trip to Decatur

Springfield, Illinois email list

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