Saturday, January 22, 2005

Another view of the shoreline at the Sailboat launch. Is anyone missing a purple kickball? Photo taken on January 22, 2005. Posted by Hello

The icy shoreline at the sailboat launch on Lake Springfield. Photo taken on January 22, 2005 at 17 degrees. Brrrrr! Posted by Hello

Lake Springfield, January 22, 2005 Posted by Hello

Ice tables on the north side of Springfield. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Manhole cover on the west side of town. Posted by Hello

Monday, January 03, 2005

More Lake Springfield ice cubes... Posted by Hello

Harbor Point - workers were cutting down the trees to make way for the condos on Lake Springfield. 12/31/04 Posted by Hello

Another photo of the work being done at Harbor Point on Lake Springfield. 12/31/04 Posted by Hello

See what I mean about those ice cubes? Posted by Hello

New Year's Eve at the Lindsey Boat Dock. It was 66 degrees out and breezy. The air was crisp and clean. A wonderful place to be. The partially frozen lake was melting - the ice was turning into ice cubes which made for an interesting, calming sound. Posted by Hello