Friday, October the 12th
Tom Irwin and the Irwinites played a benefit concert for Pound Dog Rescue.

The Pound Dog rescue blog is at:
Pound Dog Rescue Website
P.D.R. on Petfinder.com
More Springfield Photos!
Open Dome in Riverton, IL
Humphrey's Pizzeria is now open!
Lake Springfield water levels at the Marina
Name that restaurant...part 20
Getting to Wrigley Field
What kind of bird is this? (From Lake Springfield)
Springfield Dog Park
Smoker's lungs
The dog water fountains at Washington Park
Springfield, Illinois email list
PS: Does anyone else think that Paul resembles singer/songwriter/tv show host Tom Green? (See photo below. Tom is the one on the left.)
Tom Green was the host of the Lightmusic videos program that used to air 2x daily on channel 23.