Cheddar's Casual Cafe
(website not available yet)
3151 Horizon
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 525-3820
More Springfield restaurant photos:
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Name that restaurant...part 7
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Name that restaurant...part 2
Name that restaurant...part 1
Ned Kelly’s restaurant
Happy Birthday Culver's !
The Pizza Machine
Dinner at Little Saigon
Illinois Products Expo photos
Join in the discussions at the Springfield, IL email list at:
Name that restaurant...part 9
Name that restaurant...part 7
Name that restaurant...part 6
Name that restaurant...part 5
Name that restaurant...part 2
Name that restaurant...part 1
Ned Kelly’s restaurant
Happy Birthday Culver's !
The Pizza Machine
Dinner at Little Saigon
Illinois Products Expo photos
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